Starbrands Group does not represent or guarantee that the content of the website is accurate and complete. This website and the material, information, services and products on this website, including, without limitation, text, graphics and links are provided as is and without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. To the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, Starbrands Group disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, all warranties of merchantability or fitness for a specific purpose, non-infringement, virus-free product. computerized, and any guarantee that arises in the course of the operation or during the fulfillment of the same. Starbrands Group does not represent or warrant that the functions contemplated on the website will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected or that this website or the server that makes the website available are free of viruses or other harmful elements.
With the greater scope allowed by the applicable legislation, you. You understand and agree that neither Starbrands Group nor any of its respective subsidiaries or affiliates or third party content providers will be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, mediate, immediate, consequential, punitive or any other damages, related to or resulting from its use. or your inability to use this website or any other website that you. accessed through a connection from this website or through any action we take or stop taking as a result of email messages that you. send us. These include damages for errors, omissions, interruptions, defects, delays, computer viruses, your lost profits, loss of data, unauthorized access to and alteration of your transmissions and data, and other tangible and intangible losses. This limitation is applicable regardless of whether the damages were claimed under a contract, as a result of negligence or otherwise, and equally whether we or our representatives have been negligent or have been informed about the possibility of such damages.
If you. cause a technical interruption of this website or the systems that transmit the website to you. and others, you. assumes responsibility for any and all liabilities, costs, and expenses (including attorney's fees) arising as a result of such interruption.
Starbrands Group is based in Peru and this Website is operated in Peru. You irrevocably accept the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the City of Lima, in relation to any action for the execution of these terms and conditions. We recognize that it is possible for you to access this Website from anywhere in the world, but we have no practical ability to prevent such access. This Website was designed to comply with the laws of the Republic of Peru. The businesses conducted by Starbrands Group affiliates operate in various countries around the world and comply with the laws of the particular jurisdictions in which they operate. If any material on this Website, or your use of this Website is contrary to the laws of the place where you were when accessing it, the Website is not intended for you and we ask that you not use the Website. You are responsible for finding out about the laws of your jurisdiction and for complying with them.
Starbrands Group is based in Peru and this Website is operated in Peru. You irrevocably accept the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the City of Lima, in relation to any action for the execution of these terms and conditions. We recognize that it is possible for you to access this Website from anywhere in the world, but we have no practical ability to prevent such access. This Website was designed to comply with the laws of the Republic of Peru. The businesses conducted by Starbrands Group affiliates operate in various countries around the world and comply with the laws of the particular jurisdictions in which they operate. If any material on this Website, or your use of this Website is contrary to the laws of the place where you were when accessing it, the Website is not intended for you and we ask that you not use the Website. You are responsible for finding out about the laws of your jurisdiction and for complying with them.
Modifications to these Terms
We reserve the right, at our sole and complete discretion, to alter these terms and conditions at any time, by displaying new terms and conditions on the Website. It is your responsibility to periodically check any changes that we may make to these terms and conditions. Your continued use of this Website after the presentation of new terms and conditions will imply and signify your acceptance of the modifications made. Thanks for visiting our website.